Another Chip Off the 'ol B-Lax
I wanted to give my mom a break from having to think up what to make my dad for lunch. She was running out of ideas so I offered to make him Pigs-in-a-Blanket since he loves sausages so much. I'd also found some Irish Bangers at the local supermarket and wanted to give them a try. My parents really enjoyed the English bangers we had on a trip to London so I was hoping they could have something similarly tasty back home.
First off, about those bangers. I was quite scared by the intensely bright and artificaly pinkness of them. I've never seen any meat, even the highly processed Oscar Meyers stuff look this awful. I asked one of the workers and she said people loved them and she did too. Now, I purposely went to this market because of the high Irish population of the town. So I gave them a shot. My parents said they not only tasted very piggy in a bad way, they were tasteless. So much for that.
As for the "blanket" part of this concoction, I'd actually made this recipe before (prior to the start of this blog) from Nigella Lawson using plain old Nathan's brand of mini sausages. It turned out pretty good as the dough was soft and tasty unlike the processed flavors of the average pigs-in-a-blanket I've ever had.
And finally, I figured I should throw in some of the gravad lax for variety and to chip away at the 6lb stash. The conclusion is I'd do this again, but not with these Tommy Malone bangers. Maybe there's a special way to serve them up but I'm definitely not using them in my next Toad-in-the-Hole (which is what I'd planned for them). Here they are in their glorious pinkness. Actually, the photo doesn't do it justice. They were way scarier than this:

Labels: bread, British, Nigella Lawson, salmon, sausages, seafood
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