Topsy Turvy Mango
Yes, more mango concoctions. Did I achieve my gastronomical goal of creating mangoey goodness? Well, more like mangooey than mangoey. Since I had bought a bunch of mangoes, I tried my hand at making a Mango Upside-down Cake. I've always loved Pineapple Upside-down Cakes, so this has got to be delicious, right? wasn't bad but not fantastic. The mangoes were a bit too moist though interestingly enough, they started to taste like (and have the consistency of) dried mangoes that you can buy as the days passed. No real surprise since there I guess. Overall, I think a better alternative would have been peaches say. The cake part was delicious though! While mixing the batter, I noticed how fluffy it looked...almost like a buttercream or skincare product!! What?!?! Have I gone mad? What sort of skincare products do I use? Is that what you're thinking?'d know what I mean if you've been to any Lush store where you can find freshly made skincare products sitting in tubs that are on top of ice. Made from fresh fruits, vegetables and the like, it's quite expensive but quite delicious for your skin. No, I haven't used them myself but I've seen the stuff and heard of the rave reviews. Find a store near you and check it out. Then you'll know what my batter looked like too! Well, except for maybe the color. ;)
Back to the family weren't too crazy about it either though the consensus was that the cake was pretty good with a tasty butteriness. I would definitely use the cake recipe to make something else. I found it strange how flat it turned out to be. =( Perhaps I used too large a pan...As for the mangoes, I again found them too stringy and relatively tasteless but in this case, it was the mangoes' fault and not the recipe's. I would use the small, tasty ones from the Philippines but they're so darned good, I'd rather eat them out of hand than bake them. =9~

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