From the same "ad-azine" as the spiced chocolate chip walnut cookies (but not from the same issue), this recipe sat around for about a year as well before I finally got around to trying it out. What was I waiting for?? It's not that hard to make yet tastes pretty good! You could easily swap in other proteins (other seafood, white meat, red meat, tofu) if you're not in the mood for shrimp. Never having had much Brazilian food, I can't say how authentic this dish is. Ah, but how can I deny the deliciousness of coconut milk? ;) Indeed, it has a very nice hint of the coconut melding with the lemon juice. No one flavor really overpowering, but a nice balance. There was plenty of sauce to slather over rice or...ooh!! jacket potatoes! Now that's an idea! I'll definitely have leftovers like that tomorrow! =9~ Update: It smelled wonderfully shrimpy fragrant upon opening up the container. I slathered it over a jacket potato, and as predicted, it was delicious!! Heck, even better!! I'm eating *all* the leftovers like this!Labels: Brazilian, seafood
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